Blob tree 8


Today I am angry. I am not someone whom it is easy to anger either, but I am very angry. I am trying to let go of that anger, but finding it difficult. My anger is directed at a threat to my immediate family and it involves children. And there is very little I can do to influence or change the situation. I’m very aware that is part of the reason I am angry.

That and because there is nothing more likely to make me angry than perceived injustice towards those who are more innocent, vulnerable and unable to make to make their voices heard in what is sometimes a very selfish society. I have given all the practical advice I know to give on the situation and am trying to accept that advice is usually given to be ignored (can’t think of any occasion I’ve acted on the advice of friends unless it involved the words “eat cake”).

I am trying to work through it and I am trying to breath and meditate and remember my post yesterday… But right now I am not ready to let go in the same way I would be if the threat had been directed at me personally.

What things do you find it difficult to let go of?

3 responses to “Blob tree 8

  1. In my experience, the way out of anger is through love. I will not act on emotion, I will wait until I come to clarity before I act.
    The world is designed perfectly imperfect to push us to grow. So with that in mind… march on brave one.

    • Thank you Christopher, for such a mindful, thoughtful reply. You are right, to act on that emotion would not be me actimg rationally. The very act of writing it down has helped calm me and become more consciously aware of why I feel that way. 🙂

  2. To solve a problem one must come from a higher vibration, than That of which it was created, and the answer Is within you…

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